We are a reliable organization for our employees and a trusted partner for our clients. We never fail to deliver our promises.


Since the Group’s establishment in 1963, we have adopted a fair, transparent and responsible corporate governance approach. Since our mission is providing end-to-end solutions to our global customers leveraging on the synergies created by our subsidiaries, we aim at streamlining and strengthening the interactions within the Group. To reach this goal, we put in place rigorous and extensive policies and mechanisms to grant accessibility to all stakeholders and to provide them with a direct line of communication with our organization.
Based on this framework, our corporate structure consists of several tools, among which are the Board of Directors, Management Committees, regular management reviews and management reports. Not only do these mechanisms allow us to keep a steady balance within the Group, but they also serve as a control mechanism over all our operations and procedures. As defined in the YILDIRIM Group’s Code of Ethics, adherence to moral values and steering clear of unethical activities are among our basic principles.


Our Board of Directors works to foster YILDIRIM’s long-term success. Led by its Chairman, Ali Rıza YILDIRIM, the Board blends synergies into strategy, defining the roadmap to success. While paving the way and setting the strategic direction, the Board ultimately aims at delivering value to our stakeholders and promoting a culture of openness and debate, where creativity and meritocracy thrive.
YILDIRIM’s Senior Management team works alongside the Board, following its lead to implement strategy and run day-to-day activities. They guide teams of passionate and hard-working individuals, encouraging their active participation and championing their ideas. This strong leadership backbone is one of YILDIRIM’s strongest assets and key to our continuing success.
Backing this layout is the internal audit and control system, in charge of designing, planning and leading risk-based internal audits. This team produces audit reports and presents their findings to management, identifying deficiencies, risks and impacts and recommending corrective actions. Sharing audit results with the group companies and offering action plans enable us to pinpoint critical issues and promptly take action.


Our mission to shape the future is the foundation of our sustainable and profitable growth plan. We have adopted this same proactive approach in paving the way for digital transformation within the Group. We perceive digitalization not only as a way to increase efficiency, but also as a vehicle that carries our culture and financial discipline to all our entities worldwide.
Over the course of the last few years, we have accelerated our digital transformation projects and initiated many more, especially on the fintech side. Our S4 HANA ERP transformation has gone live in our biggest subsidiaries, and we have stepped away completely from our S4 HANA systems, moving to a cloud environment. Similarly, with the other projects we carried out in the last two years, we aimed at raising the security standards of the main applications used by YILDIRIM Group reaching the global best practice level. In this context, we have done projects for SAP’s Governance, Risk, Compliance family (GRC) Access Control (AC), Process Control (PC), Cybersecurity Monitoring (ETD) and Data Masking (UI Masking) modules and the cyber threat intelligence product, Brandefense.