In building a prosperous society, the importance of gender equality cannot be overlooked. This is not just a fundamental human right, but the necessary foundation for a sustainable future. The progress made over the last decades, albeit important, is still not enough to consider this a settled issue. Additionally, the social and economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a downturn, causing progress in many areas to lag behind.
At YILDIRIM, we made gender equality one of our primary commitments and took action to accelerate its realization. Not only are we an equal opportunity employer, but through our YILDIRIM Foundation, we organize numerous initiatives to spread awareness on these topics and to offer help to the women in our communities. In this sense, the United 4 Her campaign is a testament to our commitment. The worrying data on violence against women prompted us to launch this project, with the goal of shedding light on the issue and contributing to its eradication.